Become a REMT
First off, one might ask ‘What is a REMT?’.
The designation of REMT stands for Registered Equine Massage Therapist. When you meet anyone who massages horses and they have REMT after their name, you can be guaranteed that the person you are considering to massage your horse will be well-educated, knowledgeable and professional.
​​A Registered Equine Massage Therapist in the horse world, is the equivalent of a Registered Massage Therapist for humans. The education, the clinical knowledge and professionalism are equal; they just focus on different subjects.
So ask yourself – If you were in need of a massage, due to a soft tissue injury, that is either acute, or something that is chronic and affecting your quality of life, whose hands would you feel the most confident in: a registered massage therapist, someone who has been educated and tested to learn the methods and techniques of massage, which can then help you back to the activities that you love … or someone who had minimal training and clinical experience?
The students of the MSEMT will have the opportunity to gain this distinctive designation, that will indicate to the equine public that they are well-educated and prepared individuals who are best suited to massage horses – whether they be companions or high-performance athletes.
​How do you obtain the designation? Any student who wishes to become a REMT will do so by writing a set of board exams that are set by the International Federation of Registered Equine Massage Therapists. First off, the candidate must pass the course offered by the MSEMT with a minimum of 72%. Once that has been confirmed, the program will present your qualifications to the IFREMT, and you will be able to take part in the board exams that include both a written and oral practical component.
Once you have completed the exam process, and received the results that you have passed, you are then officially a REMT. Having these letters after your name makes a difference in the world of equine healthcare, and the interactions with other equine healthcare providers, most importantly, the supervising veterinarians.
By taking that next step after you graduate, you will help raise the standards of practice and expectations for equine massage therapy in the world of equine care.