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HOW LONG IS THE PROGRAM? -- The course is approximately 14 months long, with summer months (June-July-August) off.


IS THERE A MINIMUM NUMBER OF STUDENTS THE PROGRAM NEEDS TO RUN? -- A minimum of six (6) students is required to start any year of this program.



WILL I BE ABLE TO HAVE A JOB WHILE TAKING THIS PROGRAM? -- You will probably be able to have a part-time job (Thursday through Sunday) during the school year, and you will have the summer months off as well. The course material is extensive, so make sure you aren't taking on too much.



DO YOU NEED TO BE GOOD AT SCIENCE TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS PROGRAM? -- This program is very science-based, and it is highly recommended that students have at least successfully passed high school biology class.



HOW MUCH TIME WILL BE SPENT WITH HANDS ON THE HORSES? -- Students will be required to come to the London, ON, area for the last week of each month school is in session (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). During these three days, they will be out at the barns for seven (7) hours each day.



WILL MSEMT HELP STUDENTS FIND EMPLOYMENT AFTER GRADUATION? -- Upon graduation, students will be self-employed. The one difference that makes this course unique is a mentoring opportunity that each student will have access to. They will have access to Tracey Mitchell's vast experience and advice in all areas of building, running and maintaining a business.



WILL STUDENTS NEED TO ARRANGE FOR ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE DAYS THEY ARE IN LONDON FOR THE HANDS-ON COMPONENT OF THE COURSE? -- Yes, students will be required to stay the night in London (2-3 nights per month) during the last week of every month (Monday - Wednesday) in order to be present for in-barn learning (Tuesday through Thursday).



HOW MUCH IS THE COURSE? -- The program is $15,500 + HST in total (excluding accommodation expenses for your monthly stay in London) -- including a non-refundable $500 application fee. In total, excluding application fee, the cost of the program is $17,515.



WHAT DOES A TYPICAL DAY'S SCHEDULE LOOK LIKE? -- During the online learning portion of the program, students will be required to take part in classes Monday through Wednesday for morning, afternoon and evening classes. The hands-on portion of the program will take place during the last week of every month, running Tuesdays through Thursdays, where students will be in designated learning barns for seven (7) hours per day that week.



HOW FAR AWAY ARE THE BARNS FROM LONDON? -- The barns are all located in close proximity to London, anywhere from 10-40 minutes away. Addresses will be provided by MSEMT.



DO I NEED MY OWN TRANSPORTATION? -- You will need your own transportation. Once the students have a feel for how their schedules are going to be and have gotten to know each other, there may be opportunities to carpool to the barns. This will help each of them out and will also help to limit the number of cars at each of the barns - parking can be limited in some cases.



WHAT IS INCLUDED IN MY TUITION FEES? -- You will receive uniform set, textbooks, insurance coverage for in-barn learning, and prepared notes. You will also have access to five highly-trained instructors who have extensive experience, both as practicing professional equine massage therapists and as teachers. Also included is your IFREMT board exam fee ($350) for your first attempt at the exam. Students requiring more than one attempt to pass this exam will be required to cover the re-write fee themselves.



DO I NEED HORSE EXPERIENCE? -- It is advisable that each student have experience handling and being around horses. Each candidate for the program will be required to take part in a horse-handling assessment. This will include leading, tying, picking up limbs, putting on and removing blankets and other related activities. Riding experience is an asset but not a requirement.



WHAT IS REQUIRED TO APPLY? -- Horse experience is mandatory, and it is also highly recommended that students have a science background (minimum of having successfully completed high school biology). YOu will need to submit your most recent educational transcript.



I HAVE A LEARNING DISABILITY -- WILL I BE ACCOMMODATED? -- This will be discussed with individuals on a case-by-case basis.



I HAVE OTHER POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION IN EQUINE SCIENCE -- CAN I APPLY FOR ADVANCED STANDING? -- Yes, a minimum passing grade of 72% is required in your studies to be considered for advanced standing. Syllabus and course hours from a student's previous institution will be required for consideration of advanced standing.






WHAT KIND OF EXAM PROCESS IS THERE? -- There will be written (multiple choice and short answer) exams, and there will also be oral practical exams in some of the courses - T&T, Treatments, Confirmation/Kin, Anatomy.



WHAT IS THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE? -- December 9 for the program commencing in January of the following year (IE: Dec. 9, 2024 for a start date in January 2025).



CAN I APPLY FOR EDUCATIONAL FUNDING? -- The Mitchell School of Equine Massage Therapy does not have access to any government funding programs (OSAP and other similar ones). Students who have been accepted into the MSEMT program will be provided with a letter stating their enrolment into the program that they can present to a financial institution of their choice as part of a loan application.

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